Xbox One is a gaming console from Microsoft. If you face error code 0x80a4001e while playing a game, it could be an account issue. You could face this issue while you were entering your login credentials in your Xbox One account?
Microsoft released a notice that this error can occur with logins to Xbox One. The following are some of the solutions to solve this error code.
Solution #1
Delete Microsoft account from your console. Then sign back in. You need to enter your account credentials again. During this process, if you select “Lock it Down” you are likely to encounter the same problem again.
You should either select “No barriers” or “Ask for my passkey“. Then you need to enter your passcode again. Another solution is to remove Xbox Live Account and login back again. This can also fix the error.
Do not restart the Xbox console after doing the above steps. Otherwise, you will be shown the white screen again. Then you need to remove and re-add the account once again.
If this doesn't work, then you can shut down the console. Restart and add account. This should help.
Solution #2
Following steps in the Xbox Console also will help.
1. Open Settings in the console.
2. Then follow this path.
3. Network Settings > NAT Test type.
4. Then NAT must be set to OPEN instead of MODERATE.
Solution #3
Power Cycle your Xbox One console.
1. Press the Xbox button.
2. System > Settings.
3. Select Restart Console.
4. Then press Restart again.
You can also physically power cycle the console.
1. For this long press the Xbox button for 10 seconds. This will turn off your console.
2. Then press the Xbox button present on the console. You can also press the button available on the controller.
Solution #4
Disconnect and Re-connect power cables.
1. Shut down your Xbox console and turn off the power.
2. Then unplug Xbox console's power cable for 10 seconds.
3. Then re-plug the power connection or cable again.
4. Press the Xbox button located on the console.
5. This will turn on the console again.
Solution #5
Problem could be with Xbox Live Connect account. You could follow similar steps as mentioned in #1.
1. Check Xbox Live Service status.
2. Sign-out of Xbox Live.
3. Test Xbox Live connection.
4. Back up your Xbox Live profile to Xbox One Console, before these steps.
5. Remove your Xbox profile and restore it.
6. Troubleshoot Xbox Live connection.