Got bored with the present Windows 7 Icon set?  Want to change Windows 7 Icons? If you’ve installed Windows 7 SP1 update for your PC, there is new icon set to be installed. It is called Token Icon Pack Installer for Windows Seven Build  7601 (SP1).  This can be grabbed from


[Image Source :]

Token Icon Pack Installer, as the name suggests, automatically replaces the default icons present in Windows 7 SP1 with Token icons. Token icons are the best set of customized icons for Windows 7.

How To Install?

Installing the Token Icon Pack set is very simple. Just follow the instructions in the downloaded rar file. Be sure to disable UAC (User Account Control) before running the icon pack installer. It’s best recommended to take a backup and create a system restore point before applying the changes.

The icons set, comes in both Dark and Light.

You can see a Video on YouTube on how to install these icons.


Now in all variations:

  1. Folderband at top and Detailspanel at bottom.
  2. Folderband at bottom and DetailsPanel at top.
  3. Detailspanel at top and NO Folderband.
  4. Detailspanel at bottom and NO Folderband

Download from here:
Light Version
X86: [link]
X64: [link]
Dark Version
X86: [link]
X64: [link]

Update (14/5/12) : Now I’ve found out more information about token icons by ~brsev and ~mr-ragnarok and found different link resources on the web. You can read this updated post on dark token and desktop token icons and use the knowledge to update your icons in Windows 7.

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  1. ads google says:

    Good work! Thank so much.