With PC market dwindling and Microsoft following the trend of tablet devices, Metro is here to stay. Browsers are part of Internet activity and need to cope-up with performance, speed and memory when compared with the developments in Hardware. Its almost 6 months since the release of final version of Windows 8 and we also produced an article on the best internet browsers for the Metro OS.
Today in this article, we are going to see relatively a new comparison of benchmarks for 7 and 8 of the more popular browsers and find out which is the best metro web browser.
According to the conclusion of “TomsHardware“, Chrome is the clear winner. The browsers compared are Chrome 23, Firefox 16, Internet Explorer 10 and Opera 12.10. The website did a detailed comparison of benchmarks on various performance categories and non-performance metrics.
The five performance categories are load time, HTML/CSS, JS/DOM, HWA, and plug-ins. The four non-performance standards are emory efficiency, render reliability, security, and standards conformance.
As you can see clearly above, Chrome outweighs other browsers by scoring relative points of 5.8 in Windows 8. Its not only the outright winner in the Metro version, but also in Windows 7. The next 3 best browsers are Firefox, IE and Opera respectively.
One significant fact is that all the browsers scored more points in the Metro version when compared to 7. IE 10 showed major improvements in most of the categories and is worth the install in Windows 8.
But looking at only performance benchmarks, Firefox 16 manages to beat Chrome 23 on Windows 8 by a slight margin. This can be mostly attributed to the strange delay in start-up times of Chrome in Metro. Mozilla’s new JavaScript engine is around the corner and it may be not be too distant before Firefox dethrones the King in Metro web browsers.
Personally speaking the naive metro browsers released by Google, Microsoft, Mozilla are not working without issues. I faced frequent problems using these new app styled browsers and is best to use the old desktop based web browsers as said above. But if you are in love with the new METRO style and would love to read a review on Metro styled browsers, here is the link.
@gerald : According to the benchmarks, Chrome was the winner. But you cannot consider all factors to decide the best. Generally speed, performance and security are the breadcrumbs that are looked at. So each one has his best when he takes his own parameter. Also I mentioned that Firefox was a little better in another metric. So it all comes to individual choice and experience. Personally I feel Chrome is the FASTEST and SIMPLE.
your title is misleading. you can’t say that chrome is the “best” metro browser just because it’s the FASTEST.