Using cloud storage drive like OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive etc ? But for some odd reason, you want to transfer files from one service to another. This is not directly possible.

You have to use a cloud transfer service.

MultCloud is one such web service which facilitates transfer of files from one cloud storage service like Google Drive to another, like One Drive.  It supports around 24 such cloud storage drives with privacy, security and safety guaranteed.

Why you want to do Cloud Transfer?

You are on a limited bandwidth and the size of the total files is more than 100 GB stored in the cloud. The general option is to download all those files from your current cloud service and upload to the new one. For eg. your files are currently backed up on OneDrive and the total size is say 150 GB. Now if you want to transfer these files to Google Drive, then a total of 300 GB (150 for download and 150 for upload) bandwidth is wasted.

The amount of time required for this process to complete also can take hours, if not days. In addition to this, if you are on a slow connection, it may be horrible. What if, you have a cloud transfer service, which can transfer from one cloud storage to another, by passing the above headache.

Yes, MultCloud is the tool for this job. Even with a free account, you can transfer upto 2 TB from one service to another. In this way you save time and internet bandwidth.

What is MultCloud?

This is a webservice to serve users with multiple cloud drives. Using it, you can transfer files across different branded cloud storage services. You can manage all the files on different cloud drives through just one cloud service – MultCloud.

This reduces the hazzle of any error in lose of files and manually checking if all the files are transferred are not.

It’s just like using File Explorer to transfer files from one drive to another. But the only difference is we are using cloud drives instead of hard drives. So the basic purpose of MultCloud is to be useful as a Cloud Explorer.

What is my Personal Experience?

Just like many of you, I didn’t know that such service existed. Let me explain how I found it.

In 2016, Microsoft gave OneDrive users a free 1 year of premium service to store around 100 GB. So I thought this is a good option to backup my photos, videos and other important files. But when the year was ending, the free service was not extended. Then I had to face the problem of losing my files or transferring them to a new cloud drive.

My backup size was around 40 GB and my Internet bandwidth was around 20 GB per month. So I didn’t want to completely exhaust all the month’s capacity in one go. So then I researched on Internet to find this nice service.

At the end of it, it took only an hour to complete the whole transfer process. That too, I had to spend only a few MBs of data to complete the task. It saved my time and resources.

What are the features of MultCloud?

There are 4 main things in this service.

  1. Cloud Explorer
  2. Add Clouds
  3. Cloud Transfer
  4. Cloud Sync

One of the important functions is the cloud sync! But before we do that, we have to add a cloud drive. This process is very simple. You have to Select the right Drive from the supported cloud storage services in MultCloud.

Then click a few buttons and the cloud drive is added to MultCloud account. The list of cloud drives that are added can be seen on the left hand side.

How to Add a Cloud Drive in MultCloud?

First, Select the drive of your choice. Click next. It will show the display name. For example, If you added. OneDrive. The display name will be the same. Now click the Add OneDrive account button. It will ask you for Microsoft account login credentials. After giving it, OneDrive is displayed in the left panel.

The following are the cloud drive supported.

  1. Google Drive.
  2. Google Drive for G Suite
  3. Drop box.
  4. Drop box for business.
  5. OneDrive.
  6. OneDrive for business.
  7. FTP.
  8. Amazon Drive
  9. Mega.
  10. Box.
  11. Flickr.
  12. Mediafire.
  13. Amazon S 3.
  14. Hubick.
  15. Sugar sync.
  16. Alfresco.
  17. My SQL.
  18. Evernote.
  19. Egnyte
  20. pCloud
  21. Webdav
  22. Owncloud.
  23. Cloudme.
  24. Cubby

Features of Cloud Explorer in MultCloud

The features are many. You can see the list of cloud drive that are added using the add option. For example, Drop box, Google Drive and OneDrive are listed. This is same like using File Explorer or Windows Explorer. But just you are using this service for files in the cloud.

Once you double-click any of the cloud instance, you can see all the files and folders stored under it.

You can also use the Upload button to add files and folders to the cloud drive.

The storage details for each cloud drive is also displayed. The amount of space utilized out of the maximum storage allowed can be seen, just like in the File Explorer of Windows.

When we click the curved arrow, it will refresh the status of the drive.The option to select folders and files is available. You can perform the following operations on the selected folders and files.

  1. Open
  2. New Folder
  3. Upload
  4. Delete
  5. Rename
  6. Cut
  7. Copy
  8. Share
  9. Copy to
  10. Properties
  11. Go to official site

How to do Cloud Transfer in MultCloud?

This is a useful service to transfer files between one cloud drive to another. You can select the source and target and click the “Transfer Now” button.

One can select only a few files or folders to transfer or the whole drive. Schedule of this process can be done on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.

How to do Cloud Sync in MultCloud?

This is another rich feature which can be used to perform different kind of sync operations. There are two types of sync – One-Way Sync, Two-way Sync.

There are several options under One-way Sync.

Simple Sync – The added, modified and deleted files in the source directory will be replicated to the target directory. But the vice-versa is not possible.

Mirror Sync – The files in the source and target are always the same. If any additional files are present in the target directory , they are deleted.

Move Sync – All the files in the source will be moved to the target. Once the sync is complete, they will be deleted.
Cumulative Sync – When files in the source are deleted, the same files in the target will not be deleted. This is safe option, if you want to prevent any loss of data.

Update Sync – Any exisiting file in the target are first deleted. Then the added and modified files in the source are transferred to the target.

Incremental Backup Sync – This type of sync process is done on a subdirectory basis. So every sync operation will have its own folder.

Full Backup Sync – Everytime sync process is started, all the files in the source are transferred to the target, in a separate subdirectory.

There is a special option in here –
Automatically rename the files with special characters and generate a script file.

Sometimes, file names consist of special characters or very lengthy. In such case, they will be renamed in the target drive, during the sync process.

You can also schedule the sync process at once, daily, weekly, monthly basis.

The Pricing Model

MultCloud services comes in two plans. Free Plan and Premium plan.

The features can be seen in the below image.

With free plan, you can maximum transfer only 2TB among different cloud accounts. The speed also will be normal as it only uses general servers. There is only 2 way sync support.

It also does not support filter settings for file transfer, file sync, no scheduled file transfer, no scheduled file sync etc.

But with premium plan which costs around $7.99 monthly, you can transfer unlimited data between multiple cloud accounts. VIP servers, filter settings, schedule feature etc are its advantages and worth the price.

Note: The images in this review are shown for premium feature.


The data transfer uses 256-bit AES Encryption for SSL. This is an advanced encryption feature and protects your data from being tampered, intercepted and hacked.

MultCloud service is only used as a medium to connect to your cloud drive. No data is saved on its servers. So the privacy and secrecy of your data is still maintained.

The authorization of your cloud drive accounts on MultCloud is based on OAuth standard. This enables third-party applications like MultCloud to build connections with cloud storage services like OneDrive, Dropbox etc without using your account username and passwords. So your cloud storage account credentials are still safe.

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