After June 1st, your Google photos storage is going to count towards Google Account storage. Previously you could upload an unlimited number of photos in High-quality Resolution. It is to your account through the desktop or android phone.
The photo library will consist of all the photos uploaded to the account. Backing up other folders can be done using the backup & sync tool. You can also use the upload feature on Google photos.
The specific purpose of the free web is to keep the rules the same. But with limited storage service, eos kiss x10, eos-1d mark ii, eos-1ds mark ii, eos-1d x mark ii, eos 5ds photographs will have a low level of Google sync.
Upload size also did not have many restrictions. Automatically, it was scaled down if it exceeds the maximum extent. For small size photos, mobile data was enough.
Google Photos – Limited Storage
Earlier, Google Drive and Google Photos were in sync. It is not the case anymore.
You can still do former google photos backup. On Mobile, you can back up device folders too. Using wi-fi was easy to upload videos and photos.
An active network connection was all that was required. You can also use Google Chrome to access the photos. Random whatsapp images were visible throughout your daily life.
As an alternative, you can store your photos in cloud drive accounts. The backup version could be dropbox, google drive, idrive, box, one drive, iCloud, and many others. The local computer is another way to store your photos.
But, Google decided to annoy the long-standing users who were using the Google Photos app and web interface. It is a heartrending decision.
It was effortless to back up and sync all the photos on your Mobile to your Google Photos account.
Google Photos – Alternative
If you want to continue the aging process of taking back up and sync, you need to buy Google One. There are 100GB, 200GB, and 2TGB storage plans in addition to other benefits. I have mentioned them in the above review.
To stop google photos sync is the best alternative.
Everybody cannot purchase those plans, which cost $19.99/year at the minimum. You can easily buy an external HDD disk to store all your photos as a backup. Since it is a subscription model, It is challenging to continue in the long run.
After six months you decide to discontinue the plan, you will lose the extra 15GB of photos. As in the free version, only limited storage is available.
You might have already done google photos sync using your Xiaomi or Redmi mobile phones.
If you continue to do so, pictures and videos will quickly fill the storage within a year. The only alternative is to stop google photos sync on Mobile.
How to disable Google Photos backup on Mobile?
1. Open Google Photos app on your Redmi phone.
2. Tap on the account profile photo on the top right-hand corner of the Google Photos app.
3. Tap on Photos Settings.
4. On the next screen, tap on Backup and sync.
5. Upload photos and videos from this device to your Google Account option is available.
6. Previously, you would have turned it ON.
7. Move the slider to turn OFF. It will be greyed out.
You can see a disabled cloud icon on your profile picture. It means that your google photos sync has stopped.
How to Enable Google Photos Sync on Mobile?
Follow the above step 1-5 above.
On the 6th step, move the slider to ON. It will turn blue or any other related color.
It enables the Backup and sync of your pictures and videos to the Google Photos app on Mobile.